When someone is drowning

When someone is drowning (DRSABCDS)

  1. To save someone drowning it is not always necessary to swim towards him or her. There are easier methods to save the person/
  2. By sticking out a long pole or a coconut branch.
  3. Push a floating item such as a closed can, tube, football etc. without endangering him or her.
  4. If he or she is closer extend a hand out from a balanced position. 
  5. If the extended hand is beyond the reach extend a leg from a balanced position akin to sleeping.
  6. If there are many create a human chain from land to the person drowning.
  7. If a rope long enough is available throw a life line either tied to a weight or not.
  8. Seek the help of people around to assist 
  9. If able to swim throw a floating unit towards the person drowning and swim towards him or her.
  10. Head towards the drowning person.
  11. If you feel that you mat not be able to control the drowning person wait until he or she becomes weaker and approach from the rear..
  12. Try to keep the upper part of the person above water.
  13. With tight control of your movement of legs conserve energy. (It is important that maximum use of the floating object thrown at the person is utilized.)
  14. The moment the drowned person is out of water turn him or her over to ensure any water blocking the respiratory system.
  15. Never press the stomach as if done so any water blocking the respiratory system will flow in to the lungs which could be fatal.
  16. To ensure better inflow of air to facilitate breathing disperse the onlookers flocking around the patient.
  17. Do not shake or roll over the patient.
  18. After the turning over of the patient cleanse the patient’s mouth and the nose of any muck or debris.
  19. Whilst in the same position keep an ear close to the patient’ face and listen as to whether he or she is breathing. For ten seconds at least two breaths of air should be noticeable.
  20. If breathing keep the patient in the same position without any movement in a convenient manner.
  21. If breathing is not noticeable turn patient over face up position.
  22. Now from a convenient posture holding your hands together pump the chest of the patient at least 100-120 times per minute.
  23. The patient also to be given mouth to mouth artificial respiration at least two times.
  24. Continue the pumping of the chest of the patient and the artificial respiration process.
  25.   Safely remove PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)


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